
Personal Narrative-Wrestling Match

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“Congratulations, you made it to states. I am so proud of you. I knew you wouldn’t let me down, Kash!” exclaimed Coach Henderson to me. I always dreamed of being a state champ, but I never thought I would make it this far. This was a big step for me. I had not lost a single wrestling match. I won some tournaments that no other salem wrestler had won in decades. “Go home and rest. you have a lot of work ahead of you.” I arrived outside my home at five in the afternoon. The winter air felt calm for once, this Saturday. However, when I walked inside I had an eerie feeling. There was strangely no noise in the house, except the water faucet dripping. Immediately, I shut the water off. That’s when in the utter silence I heard a small scratching …show more content…

So, get your ass up!” He walked away. I’ve never seen him so angry.
The next time I was in lead of the run I felt the same paralysis. Before, it could affect me I slowed down to second place. The feeling was gone. My body felt healthy again. It’s almost like I’m not allowed to win.
Later, we went down to the wrestling room and we played King of the Mat. This is a game in which one must consistently win in order to stay in the center and keep wrestling, until no one else is left to beat. This was my favorite game to play during practice because I would always win. I made it all the way through the lineup. Only one kid left, Nate, the smallest kid on the team. I was smiling because I was ready to win. My legs froze up. Mobility was beyond me, once again. He immediately took me down quicker than I’ve been taken down.
My coach was pissed, “Are you kidding me, Kash?”
I was at a loss of words. While running out of the room, tears flowed. It was a waterfall down my face. I screamed and screamed. I ran outside. The winter air was cold. The sweat from practice began to freeze and stung my back, arms, and legs. I didn’t care. I heard my coach calling for me from inside. I didn’t
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I heard a strange noise. Then a voice, “Try all you want, but your despair fuels me. It keeps me alive.”
“Who is that?”
“I’m in your head, Kash! I’ve never had such a glorious host. Your losses are most exquisite.” The voice was hissing, slimy almost. It was familiar.
That’s when I ran to my coach, “Please, help me. I have an,” I would sound silly if I told him the truth, “a mental block.”
Henderson told me to close my eyes then said calmly, “Listen, you have to clear your head. Think of only two things. Your ultimate goal and why you want to reach that goal.”
I did as he said. Then suddenly, I ran to the bathroom. I had an urge to vomit. I gagged. It hurt my empty stomach. Dry heathing is the worst. I gagged again. Then on the third attempt. This palm sized creature came out of my mouth. It looked like the thing that attacked me last week. It had devilish horns, sharp teeth, it was a dark grey color, and hairless. I flushed it down the toilet chuckling to

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