International Business Management
Quality Management
“A Note on Quality: The Views of Deming, Juran, and Crosby”
(Personal Opinion and Conclusions)
Professor: Cynthia Roman Bermeo.B.Eng.IBM
Castañeda Cáceres María Belén Rodríguez Espinosa María Fernanda
Vélez Vera Ingrid Magaly
June 2nd, 2015
(Semester A-2015)
A Note on Quality: The Views of Deming, Juran, and Crosby
Nowadays it’s very important to apply Total Quality Management philosophy to succeed in business. When adopting the Total Quality Management philosophy, organizations are embracing the views of mavens such as Deming, Juran and Crosby, whose contributions influenced on management have definitely provided organizational excellence.
Even though the views of Deming, Juran and Crosby are aimed to reach Total Quality, they all have their own specific characteristics that can be adapted to certain organizations. Not all of these 3 views are suitable for every single company or business. Therefore, managers have to look after the most convenient ideology for their companies.
In order to obtain Total Quality, Deming (1982) , the pioneer of Quality Management, stated that:
“Everyone doing his best is not the answer. It is necessary that people know what to do. Drastic changes are required. The responsibility for change rests on management. The first step is to learn how to change.”
This comprehensive theory has always been a visionary method. It might be applicable to any type of business since he developed 14 important points of how companies might change depending in the customer’s needs.
The most interesting point of Deming´s approach is that according to his wide experience in Quality Management he divided the responsibilities or any other imperfections that can happen between Managers and Operators .It refers to Common Causes and Special Causes. If we analyze deeply this quotation we realize that even in that time mistakes could be
Bibliography: Crosby, P. (1979). Quality is Free. Winter Park, Florida. Curious Cat Management Improvement. (2015). Recuperado el 2015 de Mayo de 31, de Deming, W. E. (1982). Out of The Crisis. Juran, J., & Godfrey, A. (1951). Quality Control Handbook. New York, New York: McGraw- Hill. Recuperado el 31 de Mayo de 2015 Mind Tools. (2015). Recuperado el 31 de Mayo de 2015, de Petersen, P. B. (2010). Total quality management and the Deming approach to quality management. Baltimore, Maryland. (2015). Recuperado el 31 de Mayo de 2015, de