Angela Perez
November 7, 2011
Melinda Barker, LMFT
Personal Perspective on Changes in Adulthood
Adults go through many changes throughout their adult lifespan. The types of changes adults go through in adulthood include physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes. Whether an individual is in young adulthood, middle adulthood, or late adulthood, change is inevitable. I am in the middle adulthood stage of life, so my personal views may change as I get older. It is interesting to have an idea of some of the changes that I may face in my future. I believe that learning more about middle and late adulthood will help me be more prepared and understanding of future changes when I face them.
Personal Perspective on Adulthood Changes
Young adulthood is a time of many changes from adolescence to adulthood. I do agree on the age that young adulthood starts, but I think it should be extended slightly. I think that the age of twenty-five is a little young to be considered middle adulthood. I believe that the rites of passages for adults in many theories are stereotypical to some extent. Now days people are …show more content…
getting married or having children at later ages than traditionally done I the past. Also, more people are going back to school in middle adulthood than ever. I believe that the retirement age is slowly starting to rise on average because people are working longer than in the past due to the instability of the economy.
Changes of Activities in Adulthood
I think of young adulthood as a time of fun and a time of starting to find one’s self.
Activities change from adolescence because young adults feel like they have a new found freedom. They are becoming independent adults in the world. They have the freedom to make more choices about activities, such as smoking or drinking. They also have more responsibility since they are relying on themselves more at this point in life. I think young adults learn to balance the freedom of choice with the new found responsibility for their selves. I also believe that young adults learn to budget their money more through new experiences of being financially self-responsible. I also think that many young adults that are continuing education are learning to balance it with their other life
As an individual in middle adulthood, I have some to many more realistic realizations about life and what I want from it. Activities mature as goals in life change. Activities to increase and maintain physical health may increase in this stage as the body starts to age. The rate and quality of sexual relationships may change as we become more comfortable about ourselves. Within middle adulthood most of us realize that we are aging and start to make some changes to try to slow the biological clock.
As adults reach late adulthood they will most likely drastically change the types of activity that they are involved in. This is due to physical and social changes that occur in this stage of life. As most people retire in late adult hood, many people pick up new hobbies after retirement or make traveling plans. These people are the lucky ones who have the opportunity to enjoy the remaining years of their lives more fully. Unfortunately, many seniors now days are forced to retire at a latter age than a decade ago in.
Relationship Changes Through Out Adulthood
As young adults finish the adolescent stage, their relationships begin to mature. They become more aware of their significant other’s feelings and start to feel the satisfaction on commitment within relationships. Because they are still learning what they like and dislike in a mate, there will likely be some ups and downs within love relationships. Marriage within this age group has been extended to middle adulthood a lot more since more young adults are going to college more than ever before. Friendships do not change much in this stage of life yet.
Middle adulthood is a time in life where your life’s relationship experiences of ups and downs are an asset to your future for most. This causes adults to mature within their relationships, resulting in deeper satisfaction for themselves and their partner. People in this stage of life are more certain of what they want in a relationship, in both love and friendships. In love relationships, they figure out what characteristics they prefer within a life mate. For a few adults, it is a time of decreased self-esteem due to their unhappiness that comes with aging. This may affect the quality of their relationships as well.
Late adult hood may be a time when an older adult will enjoy relationships with their grandchildren. The relationships with their family may bring them a lot of joy and feelings of purpose in later life. This may also be a sad time in one’s life if they see people pass away that they care about. These situations may be hard to adjust to and may bring out a state of depression for some. I believe that relationships that promote sociability become more important to be a source of joy in an older person’s life.
Health Issues within Adults
Young adults are in their prime of physical health; they are not aging at a quick pace yet. The immune system starts to decrease slightly. Many the health issues in this stage of life are related to the activities that they engage in, such as drinking, smoking, exercising, diet, and sexual activity. Young adults start to become more aware of the consequences of their choices and how it affects their health and physical appearance. There are some health changes due to aging, but not nearly as many as in middle and late adulthood.
In middle adulthood, the physical changes start to become a lot more noticeable. The physical appearance changes a lot from young adulthood to late adulthood. Men and women have to work harder to stay physically fit. The amount of health problems increases due to the decrease in the rate of new cell production as well. The importance of physical health increases drastically. The actions taken to maintain health will affect your health in the future as well as longevity.
Late adulthood is the stage of life that physical changer are unavoidable. May people try to slow the biological clock, but there is only so much you can do at this point. Diet and other health factors are imperative to living a longer and more enjoyable life. Since your body can’t handle as much, one is forced to take life easier. They may need more assistance for some daily tasks. Some older adults do not like the feeling of depending on others and may find this aspect of life hard to accept.
Young adults spend a lot of this stage figuring out who they are and what they want educational wise. When people reach middle adulthood, they become more realistic with their life goals. They come to many personal realizations that may lead to life changing decisions. In late adult hood people change so much physically that it affects many aspects of their lives. It is known as a time for retirement and enjoyment of remaining life, but some are forced to work into their later years to support themselves.
I have been through young adulthood and have experienced many of the components of that I read about in the text. I just turned 31, but I feel like I have reached middle adulthood recently, not when I turned 25. I feel like I wasn’t as mature yet as I am now about life. I had to go through many mistakes before I started to make more responsible choices for my future. These past few weeks I have read and learned a lot about middle adult hood and some of the things I may go through. I also learned about late adulthood. This makes me believe that I will have to start planning for late adulthood ahead of time if I want it to be more enjoyable. Also, I believe that if I take better care of my health throughout adulthood that I will enjoy my remaining years more fully.