Table 12 shows on the next page, the relationship between personal profile and wellness practices of the secondary school teachers. It is seen in the table that age has significant negative correlation to emotional wellness and social wellness. This denotes that as a person grows older, he has lower emotional stability, and vice versa. This implies that as a person ages with time, he generates lower emotional stability.
According to a study by Oatley (2013), people aged 50 and above are more sensitive, hard to deal with and often emotionally down compared to younger employees who are on the go and with high positivism.
It is also reflected in the table that age has significant negative …show more content…
It can be gleaned from the table that hr1 (Body Mass Index) with a r-value of -0.197 was found to be negatively correlated to Intellectual
Wellness, while hr3 (Flexibility fitness) with a computed r-value of 0.178 was found to be correlated with Intellectual Wellness, both at .05 level of significance. This implies that if a person has a high Body Mass Index, correspondingly, the level of his/her mental wellness becomes low and if a person’s flexibility fitness is good, then correspondingly, his mental wellness becomes acceptable.
As expounded by Fahey (2004), the hallmark of intellectual health include an openness to new idea, a capacity to question and think critically, and the motivation to master new skills, as well as a sense of humour, creativity and curiosity. Fahey further explains that a major health threat today are what experts call as chronic diseases and have identified high Body Mass Index (BMI) as a risk factor in developing cardio-vascular diseases. Increased BMI leads to overweight and obesity condition and these are associated with a number of disability and potentially fatal conditions and disease, including heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes (National Council for Health Services, USA, 2003). Thus, increased BMI leads to these diseases and a desirable level of BMI maintains a fit and well lifestyle. Lowered BMI, also according …show more content…
Many of the lifestyle strategies like being physically active and managing body weight help protect people against chronic illnesses. Being physically fit includes having desirable level of flexibility, body mass index, muscular strength and endurance. Being flexible, therefore, as a component of general fitness contributes to positive intellectual wellness and helps prevent unintentional injuries caused by mental stress and poor mental wellness. Hoeger (2005) stressed that being fit leads people to have more positive feelings and outlook and consequently learn to tackle more difficult problems in