Shannon Stout
Aug 01 2013
Tim Ferrara
Personal responsibility begins inside and moves outward We have to begin with ourselves and take responsibility for our thoughts, choices, actions and reactions. Then we can be responsible for the circumstances we create in our world. When you believe something or someone else is responsible for your problems and the resulting solutions, that exact thought is the first problem to solve when it comes to taking personal responsibility. Even though the main arguments against personal responsibility include that many people are just naturally unable to take responsibility because they are either financially or physically unable, many people would agree with the philosophy that personal responsibility is the idea that human beings choose, instigate, or otherwise cause their own actions. The same can be said when attending college and applying that philosophy toward a student’s own education because “In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” Eleanor Roosevelt. For a person to achieve their goals they have to understand how to manage their time properly and use that time to work toward the accomplishment of those goals. The lack of proper management of time can increase your stress which can lesson the overall learning process when it comes to academia. We have to learn to take responsibility for our own actions in order to understand what impact that has on our lives. What you choose to do in life and how you manage your time to accomplish your goals will define who you are in life. It determines everything including how you will live your life, what you will accomplish in life, how easily it will be to support your future family and essentially how hard you make everything on yourself as a
References: (2011, 12). Personal Responsibility and College Success. Retrieved 12, 2011, from The Poem “Invictus” by W. E. Henley. (2012) Is personal responsibility the key to ending poverty? By John Ketchum .