From an early age I've always been very keen on geography and foreign languages. Different countries and languages have always engrossed me. I have been fortunate to travel extensively around the world with my dad, who's a diplomat working for the United Nations, while my mother and brothers stayed home in
Bolzano, Italy. I settled and studied in several countries, such as Italy, Guinea
Bissau, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Angola and currently Kenya, where I'm pursuing my A - Levels at Peponi secondary school. It wasn't always easy. I had a lot of scruples, especially because of being distant from my mother, but now at 17 years I realize that traveling has been an enormous advantage, as I am now fluent in four languages. English, German, Italian, French, Portuguese and
I have knowledge in Russian, since I attended after a course for 6 month. In addition, traveling helped me to develop my socializing skills, as I had to make new acquaintances as I moved, and due to cultural diversity I had an opportunity to come across a variety of points of view, which influenced me in many ways.
Besides my interest in traveling and languages, the subject of business studies fascinates me extensively. I'm particularly intrigued by the theory of marketing and its international aspect, such as how multinationals cater for the demands and needs in different circumstances and countries. I do also love the challenge of creativity and theoretical skills on which marketing lays.
I have improved my understanding and practical skills of business by spending 6 weeks in a cosmetic firm, Brugger/Schwarzkopf in Italy. I benefited from this immensely, as I worked in both accounting and marketing field. This working experience was enthralling as it enhanced my interest in the subject and I learnt about the work that is undertaken at a business, and about the employees that work there. Moreover I gave private German lessons to children aged from 6 to 10