I have often been asked why I want to pursue a new career in dentistry, having already trained to be an acupuncturist. While this transition seems unusual to many, for me, it has been a very natural progression. Looking back over the years, I can see how this development occurred
As an acupuncturist, I have seen and treated many health …show more content…
complications, from minor pain syndromes to chronic diseases such as paralysis, stroke, and temporomandibular joint dysfunction. As I continued to see the patients in my clinic, it gradually became more apparent to me about my lacking ability to treat multiple health complications of patients. I felt the urge to concentrate on a particular part of the body to gain the most in-depth knowledge of treatment principles.
During my career, I have experienced many positive treatment results related to oral health treated by acupuncture.
My knowledge and skills of stimulating and blocking the various facial nerves and use of different hand coordination skills; to insert the needle correctly by avoiding major blood vessels contributed to the success of the treatment. It was during this time that I realized that my background in the clinical experience could complement my new interest in the field of dentistry. I was always fascinated by dentistry and the realization that it relied on not just science and medical knowledge, but artistic hand coordination to treat various health complications has actuated my interest in the field of …show more content…
As I was pursuing my new passion for my next career path, I had the privilege to work with several mentors practicing in general dentistry. I observed the dentist carefully evaluating patient's oral health pinpointing it to overall patient's health. Through my mentor's guidance, I quickly adapted to my previous understanding and knowledge of concentrating more intensely on the patient's overall health and not solidly on specific symptoms of a disease. This is where I witnessed a perfect harmony encompassing both the holistic medicine and the dentistry.
After careful decision to go back to school, I didn't know where to begin. I was 34 years old, 6months into our marriage and my wife was 8months pregnant at that time. I had to adjust my schedule along with family and work. There were multiple occasions during my studies where I wanted to let go of everything. I felt too burdened, having to run back and forth from my office to school between lectures and work appointments with patients and having to take care of my two daughters at home with minimal time to study. But with my passion of becoming a dentist, my motivation kept myself focused and determined.
I believe we all have a purpose in our life.
As we live each day, our goal in life takes many different forms, sometimes completely deviating towards a whole new direction. But what's important is having a purpose in life; this "purpose" serves as a motivational drive for most people. Within my academic career, I have taken part in a wide range of extracurricular activities involving patient care which have allowed me to develop transferable skills that will further support my study of dentistry. I also have the expertise and knowledge of holistic medicine which I plan to incorporate in the dentistry for better patient care. Furthermore, the communication skills that I have developed over the years will allow me to communicate effectively with a broad range of patients. All of these experiences will contribute to my confidence to be successful in the pursuit of a career in dentistry. I see myself determined and ready for challenges ahead in the academically rigorous environment of the dental school. My next "purpose" in life is to become a health professional who is compassionate to deliver the best smiles for my