During the past decade there may have been an increase in homelessness due to the struggles of daily life. People have many ideas on ways that the government or communities can help improve these situations. It is not easy to help the homeless but any help can improve their lives and our streets. It may not take them completely off our streets but it can help them to get back on their feet.…
Homeless people all around the world are starving and nobody is doing anything about it. Homelessness is defined as a person who "lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence." (Cite)They are starving because of the poverty in the world, the whole world's population as we know it, and community's pretending not to see it happening . Poverty is a big thing that affects homelessness in the U.S (cite) . The population increases every day and that makes the world more populated and creates more homeless people. The community pretends that they do not see people and just let them die right in their faces Worldwide, homelessness is caused by a breakdown in traditional family support systems, continued urbanization, the effects of structural adjustment programs, civil wars, and natural disasters. (Cite)…
I come from a fairly large city in California so I’ve been around many homeless people throughout my life. I’ve had good and bad experiences when it comes to being around them and dealing with them. My initial view of the homeless is that they are somewhat lazy and that a lot of them are on drugs. I feel this way because I’ve seen and dealt with so many sick, obnoxious people on the streets aggressively asking for money. I always think to myself, if I were in that situation I would find a way. There are so many resources that help people get back on their feet. Instead of begging on the streets, I would go get help. Instead of asking for money, I would ask for help from one of the many organizations so I can find a job and make my own money. However, there is another side of me that is extremely empathetic. This side of me knows that something sad and unfortunate must have happened to these people and that this life isn’t their choice. For example, children that are born into homeless families, people with mental illnesses, and of course people who have been laid off of work.…
Poverty and homelessness are some social issues found around the world in first world countries as well as the third world countries. With the efforts of our help by donation, the cycle of poverty can be broken, one home at a time.…
Though there are many homeless people in New York as well , it was a different feeling because it was mostly children and they were living as if they just needed a hand. Some looked as if a vacuum had sucked up all the meat on their bodies, others looked as if they were straining to live their last day. As I walked passed them, I realized that tears began to fall from my eyes. It was so heartbreaking and painful watching them begging and living as if they were nothing. I gave a few some dollar bills and I talked to them just to show them that they aren't alone and that there are people out there who actually care and appreciate them. After seeing them, I told my cousin to take me to a place where I can just talk to kids my age or under and spend some time with them. Especially after the earthquake that happened on January 12, 2010, I felt as if it was right to give to people that were hurt and even kids who lost their parents and had nowhere to…
In the field of Human Services there are a multitude of people that need assistance. However, in each target population has their own distinct issues. Examples of these target groups or populations are people with mental illness, the homeless, and senior citizens.…
As I walked around my city to feed the homeless, I chose to go to the first neighborhood I’ve lived in out of several. As I was taking in the nostalgic scenery, I motioned towards a man who took shelter behind a dumpster. Not wanting to startle him, I kindly greeted and offered him one of the many pb&j’s I had prepared earlier.…
They face being, cold, hungry, afraid, and alone. Almost half of America’s homeless children are under the age of six, they cannot survive by themselves. Six percent of homeless children die before the seventh birthday due to malnutrition, as a result of living on the streets. Yet and still nobody cares. You get too comfortable in the life you live and take it for granted. You see people who need help and still act as if they did something to you and they cannot be helped. You call them “bums”, “dirtybutts” and all types of names just because that is what society teaches you. But you forget that one day you could be in that same situation going through the same…
When walking through a major city, have you ever wondered why most of the homeless community seems to suffer from a mental disability? The truth is over 50% of the homeless suffer from mental illness; in fact, the rise in mental illness in the homeless community can be traced as a direct impact from the Reagan administration from the mid 1980’s. After becoming elected, former president Reagan passed several acts which deliberately released hundreds of thousands of uncured mentally ill patients from secure institutions by defunding most mental health services. Almost five decades later, we see the repercussions of those acts in the form of homelessness, which has risen by 26% in major urban cities, and nearly 50% of homeless citizens suffer…
Anyone could go homeless, all it takes is one life changing tragedy. That is why it’s so important that people give back to the homeless by giving back to organizations like the soup kitchen because for some homeless people, those places are their only hope. Instead of neglecting the homeless for not getting a job, we should be doing everything we can to help them get back on their feet. I am truly proud of myself and my group for how much money we raised for the soup kitchen, and how that will help this community. I encourage everyone to do something for the homeless community, whether it be giving them food, money, or clothes, anything will help. “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up” -John Holmes.…
Crisis happens to everyone and depending on the severity; it has the potential to render individuals and families without the resources to overcome adversities, which can result in homelessness at any given time. The homeless population lives at the edge of poverty often losing connections with family, neighborhoods, and friends. They face a stigma inflicted by society, which often leads to them being isolated and/or rejected. This paper will examine the meaning of homelessness, multiple perspectives on the issue, what is currently being initiated in the field of social work, and explore ideas on possible solutions.…
Ever since I was a child I was always inspired to help others. Whether it was volunteering or donating or even taking a survey to give my perspective, as long as it was helping someone and making a difference- I always enjoyed it. So going into high school year, I took the initiative of volunteering. Volunteering at the Yale Hospital since high school for four years truly changed me as a person by helping me grow as a better leader. I came out of my comfort zone and the program gave me an opportunity to experiment and try new things. It taught me responsibility, working skills, how to interact with patients, staff, and visitors of the hospital. I was lucky enough to work at different sectors of the hospitals and familiarize myself with the hospital setting. In this process, I learned…
I often try to find events where I can go to homeless shelters or volunteering for events where I could raise money to help anyone in need. By Me doing these helpful things It gives me a warm heart and I feel I have helped the best I could and not complain on how I have nothing and get nothing when there is people without homes, food, families, and…
The moment I looked out the window of the car and my eyes turned to the row of homeless people weaving its way through the traffic begging for money, I jumped out of my seat. It was my first visit to India after leaving the country for the United States. The homeless people's’ hands were making weird gestures and thumping the windows of the honking cars. I could not digest what I was seeing! While reaching out to an old woman to give her some money, I thought about what non homeless people could do to help those without a home and basic needs. Then, I asked myself a question. Why not give them something that will be with them forever and help them out of their poverty and teach them valuable skills? After all, a mountain of…
Seeing the homeless shelter and having that experience really made me appreciate what I have and it also made me want to makes someone else’s life easier and happier. For me, the Christmas season always seems happy and joyful. I love everything about it, the lights, the decorations, the trees, the cold weather, everything, so I want others around me to be happy too. It’s easy to get distracted during Christmas time though. Many people are buying presents for their children and partners, but forget about the families who aren’t spending hundreds of dollars on presents for their children, and not because they don’t want to, they just can’t. When I think about that, I feel bad because I can’t imagine how hard it would be to not be able to give your child the only thing they have asked for all year. That is why, ever since the second grade, I try to keep in mind that there are many ways to bring a smile to people’s faces, just by the little things that anyone can do. Donate a dollar to the Salvation Army. Donate toys to their schools toy drive. Volunteer and help out in their community. These are only some of the many ways to make someone’s life happier. I believe in Christmas, that it has the power to bring everyone together and remind…