Because of how frequently she requires the synthetic blood treatment, she is endangering other clients who also require this form of treatment. The first step to take in this situation is to talk to Mrs. Johns explain to her the dire shortage of this treatment product and see if she was willing to forgo this treatment to help clients who, frankly have more time left, as she herself has acknowledged she doesn’t have much time left. If she refuses to stop treatment, the only other option is to say we will provide this treatment to any clients who need, it until the supply is gone, and when it is gone we will do everything possible to find other possible treatment options possible, until the synthetic blood supply product has come back into stock. Even if the doctor wanted to stop her treatment, to allow other individual take her treatment, ethically they could not for a client to stop treatment, unless they decided to stop themselves. The most they can do is explain the situation, and see if the client was willing to stop this treatment to help more people, who’d not need the treatment as frequently and, as bad as this sounds have more life in front of
Because of how frequently she requires the synthetic blood treatment, she is endangering other clients who also require this form of treatment. The first step to take in this situation is to talk to Mrs. Johns explain to her the dire shortage of this treatment product and see if she was willing to forgo this treatment to help clients who, frankly have more time left, as she herself has acknowledged she doesn’t have much time left. If she refuses to stop treatment, the only other option is to say we will provide this treatment to any clients who need, it until the supply is gone, and when it is gone we will do everything possible to find other possible treatment options possible, until the synthetic blood supply product has come back into stock. Even if the doctor wanted to stop her treatment, to allow other individual take her treatment, ethically they could not for a client to stop treatment, unless they decided to stop themselves. The most they can do is explain the situation, and see if the client was willing to stop this treatment to help more people, who’d not need the treatment as frequently and, as bad as this sounds have more life in front of