When you reach a certian age like around 9 or 10 you should be able to help out your parents. Chores is simple housework. Like clean your room or do the dishes. Think about it your parents provide you with a lot. Christmas gifts new clothes money to spend here and there. You parents have to get up and go to work. All you have to do is go to school. If they help you out you should be able to help them out. I mean i see why kids would think they should get paid. They do work like them so they think they should get paid like there parents. It might even help family relationships. If they do things for them they should get paid in return. I see why some kids might think that. …show more content…
So my opion is that children should not get paid for chores.
Different families have different ways of doing chores. I personally don’t get paid for chores nor do i want to. Some parents pay there kids. Some parents dont pay their kids. It all upto the