Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to take a few minutes from their busy lives to breakfast in the mornings.
Central Idea: As your age increases so does the percentage of skipping breakfast, which can lead to many problems ,big or small, throughout your life. I encourage you to take a little bit of time each day to eat breakfast.
Attention Getter: How many of you enjoy putting on a few pounds? I don’t mean gaining muscle, therefore gaining weight. I’m talking about unattractive, unhealthy fat. Ok, well what about low energy levels; Does anyone like the feeling of fatigue? I’m gonna just go out on a limb and say that none of you in here would be happy to see the scale climb a few numbers higher or feel worn out half way through your day. These unwanted things can all be prevented just by eating breakfast.
Relating to Audience: According to huffingtonpost.com, the Morning Meal Scape 2011 surveyed over 25,000 people in the first few months of 2011. The results show that males group, ages 18-34, are most likely to skip breakfast (28 percent) and the group that was most likely to eat a morning meal were females ages 55 and older because only 10 percent answered yes to skipping breakfast. If we were to go by these statistics in here, that would mean approximately 3 males and 5 females didn’t eat breakfast this morning. (The reason females is actually higher in this case is due to the male/female ratio in our classroom).
Credibility Material: Growing up I hardly ever ate breakfast. My mom would already be at work, so that left it up to my dad to become Mr. Mom to two children each morning along with getting himself ready for work. Occasionally I would grab a quick snack while running out the door, but every time that my parents knew I had a test or something important to do my dad made sure I ate breakfast on those mornings.