
Persuasive Speech On Slave Trade

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Persuasive Speech On Slave Trade
Topic: Slave Trade

Purpose: To inform and persuade the audience to take action towards diminishing slavery.

Claim: Slavery is a growing consumer market that must be arrested while economic changes are made to ward off future slave trade.

Introduction: (attention getting device as well as establishment of purpose and speaker credibility)

First I would like you to close your eyes and imagine if you will that you are starting to wake up one morning to a brand new day. As you lay in bed the first thoughts that flood your mind are of the hopes, dreams, and desires that could be chiseled out of this day. Now imagine if you will that these ambitions are not yours but instead are the aspirations of a brutal master that thinks nothing more of you than as property and profit. Next you ache as you feel the beatings, starvations, and drug addictions pain your body when you begin to move. (set up first slide) Open your eyes. Congratulations, you just woke up into the nightmarish reality that is slavery. By investigating the global, regional, and local effects of human trafficking, I will not only prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that human trafficking is a contemporary problem but also provide solutions that will ultimately diminish its existence.

Body A (Proving the Problem)

Assertion I:
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According to the United Nation (UN), these victims span the globe, being trafficked from 127 countries to be exploited in 137 countries. Most of the slaves come from countries such as Albania, Belarus, China, Romania, Russia, and Thailand, while the most frequent destinations for traffickers are in Asia, followed by the advanced industrial states of western Europe and North America and a number of states in the Middle East (Including Israel)." Ethan B. Kapstein, author of "The New Global Slave

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