COM 2241
Are you tired and having trouble paying attention in class? Focusing on tasks at hand? Or just completely being overall unproductive? The average college student is deprived at least two full hours asleep each night according to “College Tidbits” a website designed to promote healthy lifestyles and productivity in daily college life. These results were pooled from multiple surveys done over hundreds of campuses throughout the United States. Today, I hope to persuade you to fight the statistics and get those extra two hours of sleep. Do what it takes to get the full seven to nine hours that is suggested by the Mayo Clinic. I will discuss two problems. Why college students are not getting enough sleep and they ways sleep deprivation can affect you. There are many reasons college students, students just like us, are not getting enough sleep each night. One of the largest is the overload of responsibility. The student is now independent and is forced to take on all things on their own. The student is now forced to set his or her own schedule; one that includes when one goes to sleep and when one wakes up. There is also the added pressure to have a social life, to have the “college experience.” This thought often forces us to put off schoolwork and to put off the necessities of daily life. Putting off schoolwork to sometimes literally the last minute has drastic affects on sleeping habits. According to Staples University school Nurse Ms. Libby Russ “Procrastination is capable of chewing up many more hours than any amount of work can.” Now that we have looked at some of the reasons we lose sleep lets look at the ways sleep deprivation can affect you. According to the article “What are the Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation” by medical doctor Brandon Peters some of the common symptoms are: mood changes, difficulty concentrating, impaired performance in everyday tasks, memory loss, paranoia, anxiety, and in