Mr. Rama Kurniadi
Senior Thesis
27 May 2015
Humane Livestock Handling
Animal Cruelty Everyday, animals are fighting for their lives in order to survive. A lot of them are beaten and kept in chains to complete human’s needs and wants. Some of them are confined to tiny cages so that humans can kill and eat them. They are tortured, mutilated, shot, burned, strangled, forced, poisoned, and cut up or skinned alive. Animal abuse is very heartbreaking and doesn't show any humanity. It’s even more so when we realise that the everyday choices we make such as what the food we eat for lunch, the kind of cosmetics we buy or the clothing we wear may be directly supporting animal abuse. Cruelty to animals is a human infliction of harm upon …show more content…
The standard of an animal welfare is variable as it may be referred to different contexts that are still debated, created and revise by animal welfare groups and legislators worldwide. So far, the science of animal welfare utilises different kinds of measures from longevity, reproduction, behaviour, to disease of a certain animal. In spite the fact that which of these measurement that indicated the best information is still debated. There are two prospect of concept that are hostile to one another on animal welfare. Looking back centuries, the vision declares that animals are not aware and unable to experience poor or good welfare. While the other vision is lies on animal rights that animals should not be interpreted as a property of any uses by mankind. Although, a few of animals rights argue that a better prospect was to increase and continue the utilisation of animals. Consequently, some authorities consider animal welfare is against animals rights. While others also see that the rising concern of animal welfare is an augmentation towards animal rights …show more content…
If it did, the next step to do is applying a procedure where it does not cause the animal pain. A system designed by Temple Grandin in a very humane way of handling cattle. Temple Grandin (born August 29, 1947) is an American professor of animal science at Colorado State University, a best-selling author, an autistic activist, and a consultant to the livestock industry on animal behaviour. She is considered as the world’s leading expert on humane livestock handling in meat packing plants. Her autism gives her unique ability to understand how animals see the world and evaluate it to show how people can handle livestock in the most humane way possible. She wrote dozen of books on animal welfare and on how to handle livestock. This is the best guidelines to be develop as animal welfare on how to process cattle in