B. Indicate also which of the factors that you have identified are most important and why.
A. The PESTEL framework is designed to provide managers with an analytical tool to identify different macro-environmental factors that may affect business strategies and to assess how different environmental factors may influence business performance now and in the future. It includes six important environmental influences: political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal. In Trinidad and Tobago these factors have a great impact in the tourism industry.
Legally, the Trinidad and Tobago Tourism Industry Certification programme is a national certification programme designed to ensure that tourism operators and service providers (accommodation providers, tour guides etc.) conform to prescribed standards of quality in their operations. These standards have been developed through the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards, the national standards and certification body.
Environmentally, the Ministry of Tourism in 2008 partnered with the Turtle Village Trust Board to develop community tourism in north-east Trinidad. Its aim is to raise a national level of understanding and awareness to protect the turtle fauna.
Economically, under the Tourism Development Act 2000 (TDA) No. 9 of 2000 incentives and concessions are provided to investors and the various Qualifying Tourism Projects. Incentives include tax exemptions on profits not exceeding seven (7) years, reduced rate of import duties and exemption from customs duties on building materials or articles of tourism equipment not manufactured locally.
Technological factors are very important and all agencies mentioned have websites as they recognise that tourism is global and highly competitive and information must be easily accessed.
B. From the factors