This objective of this questionnaire is to increase the public’s awareness about [Name of Company]’s new idea of introducing a metered petroleum gasoline distribution system to the Jamaican consumers and to obtain documentation of the publics opinion of the new system.
The questionnaire should be completed by any resident aged 18 or over living at this address.
Please read each question carefully and tick a box to indicate your answer.
In most cases you will only have to tick one box but please read the questions carefully as sometimes you will need to tick more than one box.
Answer the next question unless asked otherwise.
Once you have finished please take a minute to check you have answered all the questions that you should have answered.
The survey consists of 7 pages and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. • If you have any queries about the questionnaire please do not hesitate to contact Andrew O’Meally on 18768514626.
1. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the current petroleum gasoline distribution you are receiving? Please tick one box only
|Very satisfied | |
|Fairly satisfied | |
|Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | |
|Fairly dissatisfied | |
|Very dissatisfied | |
2. How strongly do you feel you accept your current mode of petroleum gasoline distribution? Please tick one box only
|Very strongly | |
|Fairly strongly | |
|Not very strongly | |
|Not at all strongly | |
3. For how long have you been using this range of hair products? Please tick one box only
|Less than 6 months | |
|6 months to a year | |
|More than a year