Instructions: Once you have completed the surveys and compared the results, answer the following questions:
1.) How much of an impact does Social media have on the socialization of people that completed the survey? For many of the younger generation it has had a mixed impact. It is good in many ways to stay connected to family and friends but it is also bad because us instant gradification. We become lazy and don’t know how to function without it.
2.) How did the impact differ among the various age groups? Why do you think that this is the case? Explain. The impact differed for those that are older. They felt less of a need to stay connected to the world at large or even distant family. I believe that coming from different generations the value of being social is different. Their priorities are not the same as those of younger generations. If they wished to speak with family that is in another state they would call or write even if it was of importance. They feel that social media is not personal enough and puts too much information out there for everyone to see.
3.) Explain how social media affected the people’s social interaction. Why is Social interaction important to humans? Explain.
The differences effected the test subjects in many ways. While the older test subject felt less compelled to interact socially, the younger ones felt it important to do so. They were afraid that they would miss something that would benefit them in some way. The older test subject felt that church and immediate family were the most important social interaction. If it was major enough they would hear it on the news.