References: Allen, A. (2010, February). Peata: What Is It? What Do They Do? How Can You and Your Practice Help? Irish Veterinary Journal. 63(2). 88-89 Allen, K. (2003, December). Are Pets a Healthy Pleasure? The Influence of Pets on Blood Pressure. Current Directions in Psychological Science (Wiley-Blackwell), 12(6), 236-239 Barker, J. (2008, May). Animal Whispers. Successful Meetings, 57(6), 76-77. Chandler, C. (2001, October) Animal-Assisted Therapy in Counseling and School Settings. Retrieved from ERIC database (ED459404) Kaminski, M., Pellino, T., & Wish, J. (2002, Fall) Play and Pets: The Physical and Emotional Impact of Child-life and Pet Therapy On Hospitalized Children. Children’s Health Care. 31(4). 321-35 McGraw, C. (2007, March). Dog Ownership and Physical Activity. Primary Health Care. 17(2). 30 Pavlides, M. (2008). Animal-Assisted Interventions for Individuals with Autism. London, UK & Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Scott, E. (2011, May). How Owning a Dog or Cat Can Reduce Stress: The Health Benefits of Pet Ownership. Retrieved July 24, 2011, from website, Serpell, J. (1991, December). Beneficial effects of pet ownership on some aspects of human health and behaviour. Journal Of The Royal Society Of Medicine. 84(12). 717-20. Tower, R.B. & Nokota, M. (2006). Pet Companionship and Depression: Results from a United States Internet Sample. Anthrozoos. 19(1). 54-64.
References: Allen, A. (2010, February). Peata: What Is It? What Do They Do? How Can You and Your Practice Help? Irish Veterinary Journal. 63(2). 88-89 Allen, K. (2003, December). Are Pets a Healthy Pleasure? The Influence of Pets on Blood Pressure. Current Directions in Psychological Science (Wiley-Blackwell), 12(6), 236-239 Barker, J. (2008, May). Animal Whispers. Successful Meetings, 57(6), 76-77. Chandler, C. (2001, October) Animal-Assisted Therapy in Counseling and School Settings. Retrieved from ERIC database (ED459404) Kaminski, M., Pellino, T., & Wish, J. (2002, Fall) Play and Pets: The Physical and Emotional Impact of Child-life and Pet Therapy On Hospitalized Children. Children’s Health Care. 31(4). 321-35 McGraw, C. (2007, March). Dog Ownership and Physical Activity. Primary Health Care. 17(2). 30 Pavlides, M. (2008). Animal-Assisted Interventions for Individuals with Autism. London, UK & Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Scott, E. (2011, May). How Owning a Dog or Cat Can Reduce Stress: The Health Benefits of Pet Ownership. Retrieved July 24, 2011, from website, Serpell, J. (1991, December). Beneficial effects of pet ownership on some aspects of human health and behaviour. Journal Of The Royal Society Of Medicine. 84(12). 717-20. Tower, R.B. & Nokota, M. (2006). Pet Companionship and Depression: Results from a United States Internet Sample. Anthrozoos. 19(1). 54-64.