TRAINING is any learning activity which is directed towards the acquisition of specific knowledge and skills for the purpose of an occupation or task Training will forcus on the job or task
Draw the training cycle
However we ought to see the benefits which are that with a well trained workforce the organisation will turn out a high standard or goods or services probably in a more effective manner than other organisations and there it also gives them a better chance of achieving their goal there is better job performance and productivity and probably an increased motivation amongst the employees. The employee also has increased personal skills increased job satisfaction and they also have increased value in the market and also within the organisation.
THE MAIN PHASES OF TRAINING INCLUDE THE Initiation stage this were by it identifies the need of training and the formation of the training groups eg. managers and staff. Some of the factors influencing the quantity and quality of training activities include the degree of change of the external environment like the technology changes new legislations set by the organisation or the government. there is also the internal change which includes maybe change in processes ,systems, we also look and the availability of suitable skills with in the existing workforce that will require training and also the employees expressed a certain need.. The is also the extent to which the organisation supports the idea of internal career developments this differs in organisations, there is also the fact where management sees training as a motivating factor in a work place.
• Those caused by changes in technology markets legislation and manpower composition
• Those derived from work problems such as manpower utilisation , machine utilisation, disputes, safety and quality
• Those arising from manpower wastage associated with poor recruitment, induction ,training and the like.
Training needs analysis
Preparation ____data collection ______interpretation ______recommendation ______action plan
In the preparatory stage its is determining the scope of the survey, agreeing on the objective and the time scale and resources required
In the data collection stage this is were the determine the organisation level that is mainly affected or the occupational group level or job level and also the individual performance is also considered.
In the interception of data stage this is were the nature of training methods is determined .the extent of the needs that have been identified
In the recommendation stage they consider the training proposed the resources required time scale needed and the evaluation arrangements not forgetting the estimated costs required to run the training
The second phase identify how to deliver the different methods that can be used to define training efficiency and effectively. Organisations need to consider and plan this phase.
If it is training within the organisation these training courses should be supported by the formulation of a training policy. The training policy of an organisation will usually included in a no of organisation policy dealing with human resources . The policy statement sets out what the organisation is prepared to do in terms of developing its employees
1. Outlining the objectives of the training
WHAT IS AN OBJECTIVE These are statement of specific and intended outcomes of a training activity
OBJECTIVES develop goals and aims by adding a more precise or measurable element. Effectively and objectives sets we intend to achieve a goal x to the extent that at the end of the such ansd such change will have taken place.
Hence is when to what extend has it benefited the employees when he goes back to work
2. Preparing the
Training method
The final stage is the action plan this is were they identify the people responsible and the time schedule for the training to be carried out
There is on the job training this is mostly used when there is rotation or on a need to know bases were an employee receives training while remaining on the workplace With the on the job training there are different methods that we use the is demonstrationing that is showing the other employee how to the job. Coaching this is a more intense process it involves an experienced employee with a trainee and of late we are having so many graduate trainees who are coming in for experience . There is also job rotation that we also use but people at times do not have ample time because the other person is in a busy section and has no time to be coaching someone else but this helps other employees to gain experience
Types of training methods we are essentially discussing means by which we intend to communicate information skills attitudes and feeling to learners. This is determined whether they are employed on the job or off the job.
On the job training there is face to face that is effective speaking courses, report writing courses role play exercises that is also coaching and mentoring , conferences, discussion groups video based
Training by lecture
Training by presentation
On the job training
Job rotation
Movies/vidoes computer based training
Training by group discussion
Training by seminar
Training by project
Panel training
Tutorial traing
Field trip