The water cycle is the first one i will be talking about. It is a continuous cycle and the water goes from liquid state to a gas state over and over again. It begins in a process called evaporation which is “the process of a substance in a liquid state changing to a gaseous state due to an increase in temperature and/or pressure.” After it goes through evaporation begins to condensate. Condensation is “water that collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it.” Condensation happens on the outside of your drink after it has been sitting for some time. When the water gets too heavy to sit in the clouds any longer it begins to rain,sleet,hail,or even snow. This is the process known as precipitation. Precipitation is “the action or process of precipitating a substance from a …show more content…
It is also one of the slowest biogeochemical cycles. Over long periods of rocks being weathered they begin to let out phosphate ions, after the phosphate ions are released they are distributed into the soil and water. Plants begin to take up the phosphate ions that were released by the rocks are are eaten by the animals. After the animals eat the plants that have the phosphate ions in them they eventually die and when they are decomposed the ions are released back into the soil. Phosphorus is needed for every living organism to grow and function. It is found in DNA and RNA materials and in ATP which is the energy stored in cells. Humans return the phosphorus into the earth from our waste. When we return the phosphorus back to the earth it cycles back through again and again