
Physical Assistant Career Aspirations

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Career Aspirations
My career aspiration is to become a physical therapist. I am going go to school for (PTA) physical therapist assistant. I chose PTA because, I like to help people. What started my interest for going into physical therapy was having to help my great grandma, that my mom took care of. My Grandma had alzheimer's and dementia; she lived till she was 83. As we took care of my grandma, I watched her health dwindle. In the early stages she could walk fine on her own. Every now and then we had to help her walk, It wasn't anything too serious. But as the years passed her walking ability needed help. In the last few months of her life, she wasn't able to walk at all. She became bed ridden, but we still tried to get her to walk every now and then but she was so weak, it was very hard for her. Having to help her walk, and with other disabilities that she couldn't do on her own. I grew an interest for it, I decided to pursue the career. I will start pre reqs this summer, and all the other classes i will need to take so i can mainly focus on the pta classes. Once i get those classes out of the way i will start the pta classes. I will taking them at my local community college, they program they have there is a two year program, and at the end of the semester you will be helping
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The classes at my school are select. There is one class that I would like to take that would help me, but it is too late for my to transfer classes. If I did transfer into that class it would help me a lot. At the end of my senior year, I will be doing a senior project which is job shadowing. It's basically where you go to a business and ask them if you can job shadow, follow them around and be able to see and get hand on of what you want to do. You shadow them for a week or so, In the end you get to see if that career is right for you. Doing that will help me alot too on if the job/ career is right for

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