- Pregnancy prevention contraception include: IUD, birth control pill, morning after pill, female and male condom and ‘pull out’ method.
- The female and male condom are the only contraceptives that prevent the transmission of STI’s.
STI: Sexually transmitted Infection, HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus, AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
Rights and responsibilities in relationships
- Right: A right is an entitlement that each individual in a relationship is entitled to.
E.g. To say no, to be respected, to feel safe and to voice your opinion.
- Responsibility: A responsibility is a duty that an individual is accountable for in the relationship.
E.g. To respect your partner’s decision, to respect their opinions, to discuss things that bother you and to treat each other with respect.
Sexual harassment and sexual abuse
Sexual harassment: Unwanted sexual attention from an individual/group that causes the targeted individual/group to feel uncomfortable and/or unsafe.
Sexual harassment may include physical contact, sexual comments and unwanted communication.
- Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual attention that causes the target to feel uncomfortable and unsafe, whereas flirting is a form of communication that indicates interest and is mainly conducted positively, with no abusive purpose intended.
- Other’s expectations and perception of you can influence your attitude towards sexual health immensely because it may feel as if there is a weight on your shoulders to ‘live up to’ social expectations to conform to social views.
- Other factors that may influence your decision making in sexual health may include media such as television, the internet, music, movies, magazines and books, it can be influenced by the people you’re surrounded by, for example your friends, parents and colleagues/peers, and it can also be hindered by other factors such as social expectations, religion, morals/ethics and experience.