My observation of both my children was very interesting and educational. I would have never expected my daughter to give me the same response as my son, taking into consideration their ages. Especially being that Dr. Rozankski, head of the Gifted program in MISD just informed me my son had an IQ score of 136 and scored in the 82nd percentile on the California Achievement Test. My daughter could tell me that there was 7 pennies in both rows but, my son could see beyond that and express what someone else may think given the lay out of the pennies or the way the question was asked. According to Piaget, both my children were in or have been in the concrete operational stage. I do not really know if I agree fully
My observation of both my children was very interesting and educational. I would have never expected my daughter to give me the same response as my son, taking into consideration their ages. Especially being that Dr. Rozankski, head of the Gifted program in MISD just informed me my son had an IQ score of 136 and scored in the 82nd percentile on the California Achievement Test. My daughter could tell me that there was 7 pennies in both rows but, my son could see beyond that and express what someone else may think given the lay out of the pennies or the way the question was asked. According to Piaget, both my children were in or have been in the concrete operational stage. I do not really know if I agree fully