split up into identity, compensation, reversibility and classification. With complete mastery of identity the students know that if nothing is added or taken away the material remains the same. With an understanding of compensation the student knows that an apparent change in one direction can be compensated for by a change in another direction. With an understating of reversibility the students can mentally canclce out the changes that has been made. Another important operation mastered at this stage is classifation. Classification depends on a student ablitity to focus on a single characteristic. Thus it is esstional that the teacher ask why their wasn't any water on the paper towel after it was put into the water. It aligns with this stage and helps the students grasp a new understanding that they might have never had before.
split up into identity, compensation, reversibility and classification. With complete mastery of identity the students know that if nothing is added or taken away the material remains the same. With an understanding of compensation the student knows that an apparent change in one direction can be compensated for by a change in another direction. With an understating of reversibility the students can mentally canclce out the changes that has been made. Another important operation mastered at this stage is classifation. Classification depends on a student ablitity to focus on a single characteristic. Thus it is esstional that the teacher ask why their wasn't any water on the paper towel after it was put into the water. It aligns with this stage and helps the students grasp a new understanding that they might have never had before.