The world’s most heavily formed nations i.e. India faces problem due to terrible change in valuable things from the natural resources including land, labour, energy, water and climate change. Following environment change and decrease input response, production of high quality food must be increase with application inputs. Task of breeder is very difficult to focus on different quantitative agronomic traits that have potential to increase yield, so as to ensure nutrient food security to growing flow of earth population.
As the food production efforts in past in most developing countries preferred cereals production, however issues of protein availability assumes ever greater significance from nutrient point of view. For this, …show more content…
Pigeonpea is an often cross pollinated species with 11 pairs of chromosome and a genome size of 833.07 Mb (Varshney et al., 2012). It is only cultivated food legume of sub-tribe Cajaninae of tribe Phaseoleae under sub-family Papilionoideae of family Leguminosae. It is a short-lived perennial shrub crop which is traditionally cultivated as annual crop in semiarid regions of the world including; Asia, Africa, Caribbean region and Latin America. Considering vast natural genetic diversity available in pigeonpea, it has been assumed that pigeonpea originated in India, and it is considered as primary centre of origin (van der Maesen. 1980). In India, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat are major pigeonpea growing …show more content…
Large genetic variations in its maturity group help in its wide adaptation for different environments and cropping systems. In general, short-duration genotype of pigeonpea grown as sole crop while medium and long duration genotype are habitually cultivated as intercrop or mixed crop with other short duration cereals and legumes crop species. Apart from this, its main use as de-hulled split peas, its juvenile seeds and pods are also consumed as fresh vegetable. Broken and damaged seeds are fed to animals, while green leaves are used as quality fodder. Dry stems of pigeonpea are used as fuel wood. Perennial type of pigeonpea is also cultivated on sloping mountains for reducing soil erosion (Saxena. 2008).
Globally, pigeonpea cultivated on 4.68 mha of land with annual production of 3.35 mt and productivity 780 kg/ha. India is primary centre for pigeonpea cultivation in world and it account for 3.5 mha area and 2.4 mt of production. Pigeonpea area, production and productivity trends in India in last five decades showed about 2% annual increase production in its area, however yield levels have remained low and unchanged at around 700 kg/ha (FAO