Name of Project Acankwete piggery Project (APP)
Name of implementing Organization Acankwete piggery Farming Project (APFP).
Contact Address Luzira Prison barracks
Contact Person Mr. Opono Denis
Position Project Chairperson
Type of Project Pig Farming.
Location of Project Luzira Prison Barracks.
Type of Project Beneficiaries Non-working Women & Youth.
Duration of Project 4 (four) years.
Legal Status – The project has not registered with the Ministry of Agricultural
Members Contribution 2 pigs @ 80000/=
Amount of Fund requested 2500, 000/=
Total Cost -
Piggery Farming is simply the rearing of pigs for home meat and income generation. Pigs also avails manure which facilitates proper growth and yield of food crops.
Pigs can be raised in controlled or free environment, as a small- or large-scale business. But in whatever size, a prospective farmer would need inputs as to how to raise pigs efficiently and in a more productive manner.
Pigs have a number of advantages that suits both unemployed and employed citizens making it one of the best ways to run to alleviate the chronicles of dire poverty in our community.
The pig has the best feed conversion efficiency i.e. they produce more live weight gain from a given weight of feed than any other class of meat producing animals except broilers.
The pig can utilize a wide variety of feed stuffs such as grains, forages, waste feeds and garbage and convert them into valuable nutritious meat. Feeding pigs on damaged grains, garbage and other home wastes like posho greatly reduces the stress of buying food stuffs thus spending less or no money on food that makes piggery a most cost-effective venture for a low income community.
They are prolific with shorter generation interval. A sow can be bred as