For this project I had observed the coolest bug balls on earth, the roly- poly. They are commonly known as the roly-poly, also pill bug, and wood lice. Its scientific name is Armadilidum vulgare. It is actually not an insect, it is an isopod ( a type of arthropod). It’s genus is Armadilidum, it’s Phylum is Arthopoda, and Subphylum is Crustacea. I have observed that the exoskeleton is a blue-gray, it is an invertebrate, it’s mouth, antennae and eyes are located on it’s head, and it rolls into a perfect sphere as defense when being disturbed or threatened. It has 2 pairs of antennae (one barely visible), it has 2 eyes, it has 7 pairs of jointed legs, and it’s about 3/8 inches long. I
For this project I had observed the coolest bug balls on earth, the roly- poly. They are commonly known as the roly-poly, also pill bug, and wood lice. Its scientific name is Armadilidum vulgare. It is actually not an insect, it is an isopod ( a type of arthropod). It’s genus is Armadilidum, it’s Phylum is Arthopoda, and Subphylum is Crustacea. I have observed that the exoskeleton is a blue-gray, it is an invertebrate, it’s mouth, antennae and eyes are located on it’s head, and it rolls into a perfect sphere as defense when being disturbed or threatened. It has 2 pairs of antennae (one barely visible), it has 2 eyes, it has 7 pairs of jointed legs, and it’s about 3/8 inches long. I