What is Piracy?
Piracy is the unauthorized duplication of an original recording for commercial gain without the consent of the rights owner. The packaging of pirate copies is different from the original. Pirate copies are often compilations, such as the "greatest hits" of a specific artist, or a collection of a specific genre, such as dance tracks.
The problem of piracy has arisen with the rapid advance of technology. New techniques of printing, recording and fixation of broadcast or recorded programmes have emerged, making it easy for the pirates to carry on their illegal activities. Piracy is an illegal and criminal activity.
Who Suffers ?
Piracy costs the Music Industry and the Government millions of rupees each year. Not only does India rank among the top 10 countries affected by piracy, it loses an astounding sum of nearly Rs 450 crore (Rs 4.5 billion) to pirated music. Apart from adding nothing to the creative process, pirates evade payment of royalty, excise duty, sales tax and the promotion and publicity costs. CONSUMERS suffer when they discover that they have bought a poor quality product, and supported theft of intellectual property. Also due to poor quality of CDs, the CD player is also affected. ARTISTS and other right holders suffer since pirate recordings do not earn them any royalties. When revenue from top selling hits is lost to piracy, companies cannot afford to invest in specialist areas and offer consumers a wider selection of music. GOVERNMENT suffers as pirates do not pay taxes. It is estimated that piracy results in loss to the exchequer to the tune of some Rs. 190 millions in Sales Tax, Excise duty and Income Tax, in 1997. PIRATES alone gain. When a pirated copy is sold, money goes to criminals, not to the artists, other right owners, Music Companies or the Government.
Piracy in films occurs under the following Circumstances Pirated CD’s Illegally shown on Cable P2P transfer