| |Sentences 1-3 gives the structure |
|In "In Defense of Piracy (Well, Some Piracy)", Ruben concludes that it is all right to download popular singles as long|of original writer’s argument |
|as one does not download entire albums. He reasons that this is an appropriate way of opposing the hype generated by |Introductory paragraph ends with |
|music companies. He also reasons that the legal problems that such practices may arouse can be countered by selling |critique writer’s evaluation of |
|such songs online cheaply. However, the major flaw in his argument is that …show more content…
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| |Cite instances of assumptions and |
|Ruben claims that piracy is an ethical retaliation against the seemingly unethical marketing practices of music |discuss your view of them/ |
|companies, which employ "pernicious hype that uses our own desires against us". By this, he assumes that these |Discussion of weaknesses in |
|companies are squarely to blame for consumers ' impulse purchases. This is an unfair statement to make, as the |original argument |
|purchasing decision ultimately lies with the consumer, and he also does not discuss the consumers ' own fallibilities in| |
|making impulse decisions. Moreover, his take on "ethical" piracy is erroneous as piracy is illegal, because it |