Within any type of implementation there is a need for organization and planning. For these reasons this is why we have come up with a process plan for implementing the changes that we feel as are necessary. In order to be proactive here is what we must do.
First we must initiate our project. Initiating the project means that we have gotten he necessary approvals to start the project. It also means that we have identified our stakeholders. Our stakeholders are anyone who the project affects. We must also think about how it affects them because they will need support and their needs will help us identify the type of support that they need.
Next we will plan the project. In the planning stage we develop the schedule, how the project will be managed, what tasks everyone is responsible for, when the task need to be completed and the resources that are needed to get everything accomplished.
Now we are in the execution phase of the plan. We all probably know this is when the plan is executed but one thing that I have noticed is that this even with the best plans is the part of project where everything can fall apart. The reason that can fall apart is due to lack of communication.
Facilitating change can be very difficult at times. It can cause those that it affects to feel anxious, nervous, excited, confused and even angry. It is important that we recognize that these feelings can and will occur and proactively think about how we can combat them. One way that we can do this is by consulting with the employees during the time when decisions are being made. Consulting with them does not mean that we are asking for their approval. It does however, mean that we are asking for their input and this helps the