June 25, 2013
Lifetime fitness and Wellness
Plastic surgery today is known as one of the most popular surgeries in our generation. Many people in our society, females in particular, want to look like their favorite celebrity or follow the “hip” trends to fit in. This wants them to pursue the American dream and one of the ways to pursue them correctly is getting by with their glamorous looks or as called as an “abominable antagonist”. Many people in different cultures have their different ways of showing true beauty: foot-binding, nose jobs, and wearing lipstick. Plastic surgery has been in existence since ancient times but now becoming popular in society today. Television shows promote for people to look better through changing their natural image. They show ways to better you more with than without plastic surgery. This encourages the audience to cultivate the same image as the people on the screen. Reality shows in general has broaden their popularity on television which has brought popularity to our society making us accustomed to this idea. Bringing plastic surgery as a popular trend to the world, people now believe that the surgery is not only to beautify you for yourself, but to only make you look beautiful to the public on a more professional level. It’s made its acceptance and to make people believe it is ok to look better for other people. This messes with one’s mental and intellectual state to know they are not good enough putting appearance over ability. Within the year of 2005, there have been over 11 million plastic surgeries performed to Americans. Surgeon’s state that plastic surgery boosts one self-esteem and confidence. They want you to believe it is not a big change and to think about it as re-painting your car or adding more spice to the sauce for extra flavor. Many people buy into the exaggerated lies they tell them which makes them an easy target to feel under achieved in their appearance. Cosmetic and physical
Cited: Bee, Melody.. “Plastic Surgery: An Ugly Trend” Teen Ink 16 May 2013. Web. 24 June 2013. http://teenink.com/opinion/all/article/65000/Plastic-Surgery-An-Ugly-Trend/