Please provide a detailed answer to each of the following six questions for the Dell Computer case.
1. What has made Dell Succeed to date?
2. What is Dell’s position in the industry to date?
3. An August 12, 2002 Business Week article, indicated that by 2007 Dell intended to double revenues to $60 billion. How should Dell go about building the nearly $6 billion annual sales growth needed to achieve that target?
4. What are the implications of your recommendation? How will it affect Dell as a company?
5. If you disagree with Michael Dell’s growth target from Question #3 above, what would your alternative recommendation be? Why?
6. Dell has the following Code of Conduct
▪ "How We Win," Dell's Code of Conduct, provides general guidance to all team members on how to behave legally and ethically, and in compliance with the letter and spirit of applicable legal requirements, Dell policies and our ethical principles. It serves as a guidebook for living our value of winning with integrity. ▪ Our Code of Conduct, a fundamental component of our culture of integrity here at Dell, has been extensively revised and updated to bring it into alignment with our purpose and values, as well as with our business, brand and people strategies. ▪ Our reputation as an ethical company and trustworthy business partner is one of our most valuable assets and critical to our success. To safeguard our reputation and our brand, we hold ourselves to standards of ethical behavior that go well beyond legal minimums.
Our ethical principles are: ▪ We are honest. What we say is true and forthcoming — not just technically correct. We are open and transparent in our communications with each other and about our business performance. ▪ We are trustworthy. Our word is good. We keep our commitments to each other and to our stakeholders. We do the right thing without compromise. We