Pleasantville is set in the 1950's when wives stayed at home to serve their husbands dinner every night, when holding hands on lover's lane was the height of sexual adventure, and when people kept with their own kind in insulated communities. However when the people of Pleasantville are visited by two kids from the real world their lives begin to change in strange and wonderful ways that none of them had even dared to dream of.
When Jennifer brings her Nineties-like attitude into this unsuspecting era of blandness people begin to see certain things in a different perspective. The first concept she introduces to this naïve community is sex. When Skip, the schools basketball hero, asks Jennifer/Mary-Sue to go out with him, he unexpectedly finds himself down in Lovers lane with no idea what has just hit him! David is so at Jennifer, "You can't do this Jennifer! He doesn't exist! You can't do this to someone who doesn't exist!
The film The film "Pleasantville" portrays the changes that have occurred in American society over the past 50 years. The movie describes changes in sexual relations, violence, and family matters and roles. Viewers are shown how the racial and sexual equality began. It shows there is no "perfect" way of life. The movie depicts the on-going changes in the lifestyles of the American people.
The film begins with David, a dorky teenager and his popular twin sister, Jennifer. David is obsessed with the 50's television show "Pleasantville", which describes the "perfect" family life that David dreams of. Meanwhile, Jennifer is busy with boys, smoking, and