Plumbing problems always make themselves known. The main question for a homeowner is if the problem is discovered early or late. Early discovery lead to the easiest repair, least expense, and least life disruption. A routine inspection plan by the homeowner can pay in money and in hassle.
Initial Inspection
A good home inspector will look at plumbing and note obvious visible issues. For older home or home in older neighborhoods, consider using a professional plumber to inspect the home. A plumber can simply go into more depth.
Two notable items for pre-purchase inspection are system pressure and sewer. By measuring system pressure, a plumber can spot a serious problem in a house that appears to have normal flow. A qualified local plumber will also have good knowledge of the local sewer system and can advise if pre-purchase inspection should be performed. …show more content…
A routine plumbing inspection should be part of a house maintenance routine. Set it up on a twice per year schedule. The 0focus will be leaks. The areas to inspect will be piping, fixtures, and water attached