Track ends around 4:30, where Jay picks him up. Ramadan would occur around December 19th and end on January 17th. Adnan would have been fasting all day and would be hungry. Adnan states, “ It probably would've been close to time for me to break fast. He would have came to pick me up, and we would have gone to go get something to eat.” (Serial Ep.1 25:23). Track ends at 4:30 or 5 and fasting ends at 5:05 p.m. Adnan and Jay would head to McDonald's, since Adnan had track and fasted the whole day, he would need to eat. Adnan ate in the morning, did prayers after that and was not allowed to eat, drink, or swallow and spit for the rest of the day. From 3 to 5, Adnan is allowed to eat, but since Adnan had practice, it would be impossible. Adnan went home at 8 to get food for his father and went to the Mosque. He also says, “...usually like the last 10 nights of Ramadan, my father would spend the night at the mosque. So most of the times I would give him food. I think my mother would make food for him, and I would take it usually before 8 o'clock. Because that's the last evening prayer.”(Serial Ep.1
Track ends around 4:30, where Jay picks him up. Ramadan would occur around December 19th and end on January 17th. Adnan would have been fasting all day and would be hungry. Adnan states, “ It probably would've been close to time for me to break fast. He would have came to pick me up, and we would have gone to go get something to eat.” (Serial Ep.1 25:23). Track ends at 4:30 or 5 and fasting ends at 5:05 p.m. Adnan and Jay would head to McDonald's, since Adnan had track and fasted the whole day, he would need to eat. Adnan ate in the morning, did prayers after that and was not allowed to eat, drink, or swallow and spit for the rest of the day. From 3 to 5, Adnan is allowed to eat, but since Adnan had practice, it would be impossible. Adnan went home at 8 to get food for his father and went to the Mosque. He also says, “...usually like the last 10 nights of Ramadan, my father would spend the night at the mosque. So most of the times I would give him food. I think my mother would make food for him, and I would take it usually before 8 o'clock. Because that's the last evening prayer.”(Serial Ep.1