Define Non-Collinear Points The points which do not lie on the same line are known as Non-Collinear Points
Below diagram represent, Non-Collinear Points P, Q, R & S.
In the above Diagram, Points P, Q, R & S doesn not falls on the same line and
Hence they are called Non-Collinear Points. |
Definition of Coplanar * A set of points, lines, line segments, rays or any other geometrical shapes that lie on the same plane are said to be Coplanar.
More about Coplanar * Parallel lines in three-dimensional space are coplanar, but skew lines are not.
Example of Coplanar
* All the points A, B, C, and D in the plane P are coplanar.
Non Coplanar Definition
Introduction to non-coplanar points:
The points which do not lie in the same plane or geometrical plane are called as non-coplanar points. Any 3 points can be enclosed by one plane or geometrical plane but four or more points cannot be enclosed by one. The points belong to the same plane are called as coplanar points. In this article we shall be discussing the non-coplanar points. Now we know what non-coplanar point is and we shall see some examples of the non-coplanar points and solve it for the same.
Example for Non Co-planar Points
1) From the below shown figure the points are non coplanar points as they do not lie on the same plane it lies in different planes.
2) We can see four planes with the help of four non co-planar points.
3) Plane is the two dimensional geometrical object.
"The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest." "What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable."