Introductory Statement: Police brutality is one of the biggest human rights violations in the United States. The reason why I choose this topic is because I (amongst others) believe that police brutality happens all the time all of over the United States and still remains unrecognized. Additionally, the public should be knowledgeable about this topic because of how serious this crime can be and the serious outcomes that police brutality can have on other police officers and the public.
Key Issues/Main Ideas: In my essay about Police Brutality I will discuss many different topics and key issues. I plan on discussing all of these topics in detail in the essay but for this proposal I will briefly describe my key issues and main ideas. To begin my essay, I will give the definition of Police brutality. Many people have an unclear idea as what Police brutality really means. Then I will talk about the civil rights movement and police brutality, which will include the riots in Birmingham Alabama. Rodney King will be next and how this incident opened the eyes of main stream Americans that police officers are not always right. I think it is also a vital part of this essay to include the causes and triggers of police brutality. Next I will go into racial and ethnic minorities and discuss how police brutality targets people of minority race and/or the ethnically diverse. Then I will discuss the repercussions of the corrupt police on the rest of the police force including an interview I will have with a police officer on his views and opinions on this subject. In the last few paragraphs I plan on explaining local police brutality cases and prove that police brutality happens with our own local police right here in Denver. Lastly I will give information on a particular organization that specializes in giving support to surviving victims of police brutality dealing with mental or physical damage due to Police brutality. After obtaining