The major retail businesses will do whatever it takes to acquire more customers and to take in more money and part of this involves which greeting they use during the Christmas season. Retail companies have no way of knowing which greeting the majority of their customers use, so they use a generic one in hopes that no one will be offended. “A big part of advertising is being relatable and personable to your customers, and if you don’t celebrate Christmas, a sign saying “Merry Christmas” is not something you can relate to and it is a subconscious cue that that store is not for you. Sure eighty percent or more of Americans celebrate Christmas, but stores want the other twenty percent to buy their stuff too”
The major retail businesses will do whatever it takes to acquire more customers and to take in more money and part of this involves which greeting they use during the Christmas season. Retail companies have no way of knowing which greeting the majority of their customers use, so they use a generic one in hopes that no one will be offended. “A big part of advertising is being relatable and personable to your customers, and if you don’t celebrate Christmas, a sign saying “Merry Christmas” is not something you can relate to and it is a subconscious cue that that store is not for you. Sure eighty percent or more of Americans celebrate Christmas, but stores want the other twenty percent to buy their stuff too”