They are saying that the politicians have to lie for a strategy against the opposition because they do not want to give their game plan away. The author states that they are lying to the people because they want for them to worry and they want for their plans to be uncovered by the enemy. But I still see this as an excuse to not tell the truth and do corruption and justify it by saying it is a safety issue. ““Yes, We’re Corrupt”: A List of Politicians Admitting That Money Controls Politics” talks about the politicians that will take money and say that it will not affect their decisions but will later conduct closed door corrupt meetings. This will continue to attribute to my belief that they are all liars that are money and power hungry ( These articles reinforce my current belief by confirming what I already believe that they …show more content…
103). Fundamental Attribution Error is when an individual notices someone doing or saying something and instead of assuming that it is aan external factor, they attribute the cause of the action to internal attributes. For example, if I was at the store and someone ran their cart into me and I thought that they did it because they are a jerk but in reality they have a squirrel in the pants which causes them to flinch. This concept is something I noticed that I do when it comes to this certain group of people. I tend to believe that the things they do are because of them being bad people instead of considering pressures from outside forces like someone threatening, blackmailing, or offering a reward for action. Even the things that are so called ‘good’, they are probably not doing it for a good reason because no politician does good for the people’s