patients, with a variety of problems that need to be addressed in multiple ways by various podiatry scopes. In the future, Podopaediatrics is the area in which I am most interested in specialising.
At this moment in time I have found studying Psychology and Biology at A Level to be useful as the two interlink to a great extent. They have given me the opportunity to gain knowledge of how the human body works both physically and mentally. Biology has increased my practical and analytical skills, as well as providing me with an in-depth understanding of how certain disorders can arise through inheritance. Psychology has taught me evaluative skills and has helped me understand potential vulnerable patients to a greater extent.
My interest in becoming a podiatrist was solidified through an internship, shadowing at a Foot Surgery.
At the placement I observed everyday procedures from first consultations with patients, through to dealing with minor problems such as cutting toes, removing hard skin and the diagnosis of conditions and provision of treatments. One example was orthotics, such as moulded toe separators, as one of the patients first toe overlapped the second and I learnt that separators would help that patient to reduce discomfort and swelling of the foot. While witnessing the treatments the Podiatrist took the time to clarify the tools used and gave an explanation as to how the procedures were conducted, giving treatments to patients in the meantime. This has given me knowledge about a variety of issues and an understanding of how to treat them. One condition I came across was a woman who had a stroke, this led to her developing hammer toes on one foot, and this would also cause other problems such as corns and calluses that were dealt with by the
What stood out to me was the joy and gratitude shown on patient's faces, also a genuine gratefulness for the treatments received as the patients were once again mobile and pain free. This relief that a Podiatrist delivers to patients made me realise the impact this profession can have on someone's life. Moreover the experience has given me an understanding of the demands the work requires, the complexity of the profession and gave me confidence that studying Podiatry would fulfil my desire of being able to grant health and mobility to others.
I have gained theoretical and practical knowledge already by completing a first aid course, I also have more work experience planned, which will give me skills such as decision making, leadership and most importantly, being able to use my own initiative as an emergency situation requires reacting quickly and making a sensible choice. These abilities have helped me aspire to my futuristic goals of being able to help others. This first aid course helped me build up my passion to proactively help patients in need. My long term plan would be to open and run my own Podiatric clinic and allow potential students to experience the Podiatric field.