1. Changes of Vatican II - John initiated an ecumenical council, he called for the concil
He also set up the 10 commissions/secretariats
2. “open the windows of the church and let fresh air in” - second pentecost
“I’ve looked into your eyes with my eyes, I have put my heart near your heart”
“Do not listen to the prophets of doom”
“listen to the signs of the times” - environmental ethics, different views
3. Pope John 23rd was a transitional pope because in a short amount of time he made a great impact
4. Two documents of Pope John; Peace in Terris (Peace on Earth), Mater et Magistrate
5. HE was a caring pope that wanted to build pastoral relationships with people. He invited non catholics into the church. He visited 139 …show more content…
The laity were invited, priest now faced the congregation, use of vernacular language, inclusivity and increasing role of the laity
7. Inspirational leader as he encouraged communication, broke down barriers for interfaith dialogue, modernized, radical thinker
8. Jesus was a messenger of God and Pope John was a Prophetic as he had a prophetic vision and plan that looked beyond his current circumstance, listened to God.
9. The decree of the Jews “decretum de Judaeis” Decree: proclaimed that the jews were no longer responsible for the death of christ.Relation to yahweh: in 2003, that word was taken out of all liturgies and music lout of respect for the Jews. Yahweh means God
10. Vatican II was different from other councils because focus on the needs of the time, other councils responded to a crises of truth and faith in the church whereas this looked to renewal.
11.John 23rd invited other church leaders to vatican II as he saw christianity as a while and his role as a good shepherd
12. John 23rd said “I want you to go home and when you get home with your family I want you to give them a kiss, and when you give them a kiss tell them its from the pope and tell them I love them” here you can see his pastoral