From aforementioned viewpoints, we can insist that the Church has cared for the family and will continue to care for the family. It is, therefore, necessary to study and highlight the Church’s theology of the family. Especially, it should be proper to expand the relevant theory of “the pope of the family’ in this present time. It would, therefore, suppose the problem as follows: What is the theology in the teachings of Pope John Paul II on the family? When resolving the issue, these following sub-problems will be asked;
1. What were the factors that prompted Pope John Paul II to give due attention to the family in his teachings?
2. What were the influences that helped shape Pope John Paul II’s teachings on the family? …show more content…
By this study, the researcher expects to bring out the following significances:
First, thinking with the mind of the Church (sentire cum Ecclesia), this study aims to deepen the Church’s theology of the family. Then, it could provide an adequate understanding of the family in the modern world.
Second, by examining Pope John Paul II’s teachings on the family, it could promote the understanding of the theology of the family of Pope John Paul II, hence, it could extend the effects of the Pope’s theory of family in the present time.
Third, in the pastoral work and the ministry of the Word, the researcher, through this study, could deepen his understanding of the Church’s teaching on the family and Pope John Paul II’s theology of the family. This could be useful for him in his future ministry.
As articulated in the statement of the problem, the objective of this study is to examine and analyze causes that prompted Pope John Paul II to address such teachings; and elements that influence the insights of Pope John Paul II on the family. It will be the background of the theology of the family of Pope John Paul II. The research, then, tries to find out the significance of the Pope’s theology of the Family. Therefore, the researcher will discuss the following …show more content…
The scope of this study is the theology of the family of Pope John Paul II and its relevance in present time. This research, hence, does not intend to discuss all the issues related to the family. The researcher then will study only the papal documents of Pope John Paul II on the family.
The researcher will relate Pope John Paul II theology of the family to Biblical teachings on the family, insights of Fathers of the Church and of some famous theologians in history. He will also relate this to the doctrine on the family in some councils and other Church’s documents. These are background of and effect to the teachings on the family of Pope John Paul II.
For the said main focus, there is a specific limitation in this research. The materials that will be explored are the papal teachings of Pope John Paul II during his papacy (1978-2005). Specifically, these documents will be the objects of this study: the Apostolic Exhortation on the Role of the Christian Family in the modern world (Familiaris Consortio, 1981); the Apostolic Letter on the Dignity and Vocation of Women on the occasion of the Marian year (Mulieris Dignitatem, 1988); the Letter to Families and Letter to Children in the year of the family (Gratissimam Sane, 1994 and Ad Paucos Dies, 1994); the Encyclical Letter on the Value and Inviolability of Human Life (Evangelium Vitae, 1995) and the Letter to Women on occasion of the fourth World Conference on Women (To Each One of You, 1995).