
Popular Culture in Today's Society

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Popular Culture in Today's Society
Reflections of Pop Culture on Society

Popular culture, commonly referred to as "pop culture", is constantly changing and

heavily influencing people worldwide; one can hardly tell the history of the human race

without some mention of pop culture. Pop culture molds and defines the beliefs and

values, as well as, influences the actions of society. Social media, as well as the natural

ache we all carry to fit in, pushes people to embrace and succumb to pop culture.

Pop culture greatly influences what people choose to do, such as: where to eat, what to

buy, where to go on vacation, or what music music to listen to. We have all heard an

advertisement on the radio for the local restaurants or heard our favorite musician telling

us which radio station we should listen to. What about our favorite celebrity boasting

about which store they buy their clothes from? We see these people being adored by the

public and want to be like them. So we head out to the nearest department store and buy

the same brand of jeans or sneakers. When we see celebrities we want to ne like them, be

adored like them. In his poem "Emily Dickinson and Elvis Presley in Heaven," Hans

Ostrom says that Dickinson "sports Levis and western blouses with rhinestones" and

Presley "wears baggy trousers and T-shirts, a letterman's jacket from Tupelo High" (759).

Ostrom is making reference to how Emily Dicksinson and Elvis Presley are even

following current trends in Heaven.

Pop culture has a considerable influence on the way we, society, view ourselves and each

other. When we look at the covers of magazines and see the thin women and the buff

men, we think that is the acceptable way to look and work to make ourselves look that

way. We see that as the only way to be considered attractive and acceptable. As people,

ant to be like the things we see around us. We yearn to be accepted and have found that

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