Even though children, who grow up with both parents in the same home have a higher success rate of combating delinquent behaviors. Co- parenting often occurs as a result of divorce, teen pregnancy, domestic violence and unprotected sexual relationships. "A father's involvement in parenting has been shown to have a positive influence on children"(Flouri & Buchanan 2001, 2004; Zick et al. 2001; Hofferth 2003; Stewart 2003, p.282). Co-Parenting offers children who might otherwise grow up in single-mother households the opportunity to have the parental influence of both parents. As the researcher, (Regoli et al., 2006) explains the term juvenile delinquents pertains to ‘adolescents engaging in anti-social behaviors that violate the social standards of society'. (p.469), therefore healthy co-parenting can be significantly effective in detouring delinquent behavior in children. Additionally,(Mulvey et al. 1997) points out, "that preventative efforts should focus on offering parents healthy family conduct procedures"(p.470). ( Mulvey et al. 1997) Also, affirms that "siblings of children with behavioral conditions, who's parents engaged in intervention programs were unlikely to model the delinquent behaviors of their siblings"(p.470). Therefore Co- parenting may provide benefits that extend beyond the child that is exhibiting the delinquent behaviors, …show more content…
There are parenting programs in Tupelo. I could confer with the counseling staff at the Family Resource Center, in Tupelo Ms, who have headed up programs to select viable parent and child candidates for consideration for my research. Furthermore, the Family Resource Center offers links to classes offered at the facility, community, and a contact number. I could use the contact number to try and set up an appointment with a licensed practicing family counselor to conduct an