In this essay, I will describe the topic “organisation need strong culture” and the article will evaluate the understanding and meaning of culture on behalf of post-bureaucratic era. I certainly come to an agreement with the statement that for constructing a good organisation we should have very strong culture. I believe culture can make the revolution on an organisation. At first section I will demonstrate the concept of culture and how it can be done for an organisational life, according to the text book. Then the next part is about who is acting on the culture and when the culture was born in the organisation, drawn by Parker M. (1999). In the third section I will introduce the relationship of different organisational culture and what is possible to do by a strong culture in an organisation, in Alvesson and Willmott, 2002 view. However, culture is not the only thing that build up a good organization, there are some other necessary thing introduce by Brewis J. (2007) for running an organisation. Indeed, there are some example will be used in each section. My overall arguments I will summaries in the conclusion and how all the reference support me to established my arguments
At the beginning we need to understand what the culture is and how it is formed. Basically organisational culture is personal experience, which produced different sort of organisational perspective. By managing a strong leader for an organisation can introduce a strong culture. Managing the culture is not as easy as we thing, managers have to use various types of knowledge to control the culture, such as psychological and managerial knowledge. Schein (1997) define culture into three level Artifacts, Values and Basic Assumptions, where it can be organisation interior design, uniforms and espoused values like employment opportunities is equal. To illustrate, about creation of the strong culture we can use the story of “peter and waterman: McKinsey