P.O. Box 175, Port of Spain
Trinidad and Tobago
Research Paper
An Assignment
Presented in Partial fulfillment
Of the requirements for Course
PEAC: Personal Physical Fitness
Instructor: Mr. Krishna Samai
Carlstan Adams
20th November, 2014
Fitness is defined using various characteristics that pertain to a person’s ability to participate in physical activity and exercise (Kane and Mania, 2011). Environment is defined as the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences: surrounding; milieu. Environmental health describes the effects of civilization, culture, personal habits, pollution, population growth, and travel on human health (Robinson, 2002). Our personal habits can be described as things we do routinely for example, having breakfast in the mornings. The actual environment in which we live, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat are key factors in our day to day living. An environment, pollutant and contaminant free is desirous for healthy living. Several positive and negative influences of environmental fitness will be discussed in this paper.
Regular physical exercise is beneficial to cardiovascular health by controlling diabetes, slowing the progression of osteoporosis, lowering high blood pressure, improving cholesterol levels, as well as decreasing the chances of contracting colds and flu. Where I live, on campus at the university my day to day living is enhance because of the physical activity facilities provided for me as a student. There are two sports courts for the playing of volley ball, basketball, net ball and tennis. Campus also has a football field for the purpose of playing and recreational activities. The campus gym, used daily is another one of facilities that caters to physical fitness. These facilities encourage physical activity, I
References: Pollution. (2008). In W. Kirch (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Public Health (p. 1116). New York: Springer. Retrieved from http://go.galegroup.com.ezproxy.uosc.edu/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CCX3241001635&v=2 .1&u=caribuc&it=r&p=GPS&sw=w&asid=78954c09d35b3ec593483e5da59bd180 Curry, G. (2014). Environmental Influences on Health, Exercise and Fitness. Retrieved from Fitness Through Exercise: http://www.fitnessthroughexercise.com/environmental-influences-health-fitness.htm