Nutrition and Physical Fitness Worksheet
Using the text for this course, the University Library, the Internet, and/or other resources, answer the following questions. Your response to each question should be between 75 to 100 words in length.
1. How does a healthy lifestyle affect self-image and self-esteem?
2. How do you define good nutrition?
3. What does it mean to eat a balanced diet?
4. What are three of the main dangers associated with dieting?
5. What are the top five things to consider when creating a safe and effective exercise program?
6. What are five options for exercise other than belonging to a gym?
7. What is the best way to lose weight? Be sure to explain your answer and provide at least one source to support your answer.
8. How does exercise influence body weight?
9. What are five myths associated with diet and exercise? Be sure to explain why each myth is not true.
10. How does the role of food choice and eating relate to the Six Dimensions of Wellness?
11. How does today’s society affect our nutritional habits?
12. How does the role of activity and fitness relate to the Six Dimensions of Wellness?
13. What is the relationship between nutrition and exercise?
14. What are the top five components of an effective fitness program, and what role does each component play in individual fitness?
15. How has the historical development of exercise science influenced physical fitness in today’s society?
16. How do the social aspects of today’s society affect/influence physical fitness? Be sure to provide at least two examples (hint: individual differences, social behavior,