Division of Social Sciences
DSS 20360 Wellness Promotion & Management
Baseline Assessment - Lifestyle Assessment Inventory
Directions: Wellness involves a variety of components that work together to build the total concept. Following are some questions concerning EIGHT aspects of wellness. In response to each question of the scale, select the answer that best represents you at this time. At the end of each section, your responses will be totaled and transferred to the appropriate section in the Wellness Assessment Summary (An Extracted Version of Lifestyle Assessment Inventory developed by Anspaugh, Hamrick & Rosato, 2006).
Score Explanation
10 Yes/almost always (at least 90% of the time)
7 Very often (more than 50% but less than 90% of the time)
5 Sometimes (about 50% of the time)
3 Occasionally (less than 50% of the time but more than 10% of the time)
1 No/almost never (less than 10% of the time)
1. Physical Assessment
| | |Yes/Almost |Very Often |Sometimes |Occasionally |No/ |
| | |Always | | | |Almost Never |
|1 |I get at least thirty minutes of |10 |7 |5 |3 |1 |
| |moderately intense physical activity | | | | | |
| |most days of the week. | | | | | |
|2 |When participating in physical |10 |7 |5 |3 |1 |
| |activities, I include stretching and | | | | |