The first element is color. At 11:31, Precious’s mom was calling out to her, we see the apartment having an ugly color: yellow, brown, and black. Even Precious and her mother have colors: black, white and grayish. According to …show more content…
1:36:35, Mary confessed the crimes that her husband has committed and how she feels when her husband raped Precious. we get a close up, a deep focus shot, and an eye level shot. “The viewer identifies with the film… the material unfolding of difference etched inexorably in every choice and progression of shots… relationship between viewer and screen” (Freund 42). On every camera angles and shots make the viewers feel the feelings on every actors’ performances. This scene where Mary and Precious are at the social worker’s office, the camera keeps on an eye level shot and a close up on Mary, Precious, and the social worker. When the camera keeps focusing on every character the background becomes blurry making in a deep focus. When Mary confessed to her husband’s crime, we feel the frustration on her face, that her husband didn’t love her. But in every close up on the social worker and Precious we see the disgust and awe in their faces. This type of camera angles and shots make the viewers feel sorry for Precious and even feel sorry and rage for the