Jason Appleton
Southerrn Oregon University, Instructor: Garth Pittman
Research Strategies, Fall 2005
This is an investigation of different coaching methods and styles of leadership in which are most effective and preferred by Athletes. The various leadership styles are explained and examined. The present study found that there isn't one style that is most effective or preferred by all athletes specifically.
As we enter the world of sports several different theories and methods of coaching are used and preformed each day. Each coach innovates their specific style or way of coaching to their athletes. When viewing coaching and leadership styles it becomes apparent that there are many different styles of coaching and leadership in general, each possessing a level of effectiveness in success and preference. The question that is commonly raised is which method is most effective and or preferred by athletes. This study is being preformed to analyze and accumulate a solution or result to the preference by athletes and also which method or style is most effective. To conclude and answer that question the idea or concept we are left with is that there isn't one style or technique of coaching and leadership that is most effective and preferred. It is important to reveal and identify what leadership entails and represents. As we take a look at (Adams, Brilhart, Galanes, 2004 ) they do a great job of focusing on the difference between leadership and a leader. When focusing on leadership in general they keen in on the idea that it is an interpersonal influence. Even further the way that Hackman and Johnson describe it with the focus on communication it reveals or is defined as "human symbolic communication which modifies the attitudes and behaviors of others in order to meet group goals and needs."(pg. 229) When reaching further into the article it explains how leadership
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